week 17

This week has been a great week full of information from two great speakers! It certainly has gone by fast, but the things we learned will most definitely stick with me for life. The two speakers we had the privilege of hearing from this week were Sean McDowell and Chad H. They both were very well studied, knowledgable teachers who passionately and confidently shared with the class the things which they, over the course of their lives, have learned. I personally left the classroom feeling much more encouraged than I had been walking into the classroom, and to hear people speaking so knowledgeably about the Bible has caused me to desire to study more and learn as much as I can so I can pass what I know on to others.

McDowell essentially focused Tuesday on discussing What is Truth? He gave the definition as: a belief that coencides with reality; the correspondence theory of truth. There are two different kinds of truths – subjective and objective. Subjective deals with opinions about the subject, whereas objective deals with the object and the claim/truth about the object itself.

One major point he gave is that “You know what and how someone believes about morality by how they want to be treated. So many people have inconsistent, double-standard rules for life, but they themselves hate when people treat them how they treat others. This is because deep down, they have the innate sense of right and wrong that God instilled in them, but that they do not want to follow.

McDowell also gave an excellent lecture on the reliability of the Bible/Understanding Intelligent Design, and in short he gave phenomenal lectures regarding this topic.

Thursday, Chad from The Institute had a Q&A session with us, and answered some pretty interesting questions that we as a class had previously sent him.

Two things he said which stuck with me are:

“A good runner knows his last mile has to be his strongest. Dont let yourself be known only for your first mile.”

Four Things in Life that we Funnel our Decisions Upon:

  1. Tradition

  2. Reason

  3. Experience

  4. Emotion

Just three more weeks left, the ending is so bittersweet! Plus Abbi is coming to stay for a week on Saturday…two days…partayyy!

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